Welcome to ourAvian

ourAvian is a separate platform built and operated by the wider community to support the coreTeam, the AVN:Network as well as each other.
Everyone can support avian in someway... and here is where you can do your part. BUT! we have to get this website up and running first.
whilst we are doing so... the site will be updated on wednesdays inorder that you can see any visual progress.
there is a ourAvian roadmap that is on the discord which give more information.

Under Construction

HAVE A GO ):--
1, click on any on the main menu to reveal the sub menus.
2, click on 'login' to reveal th login form (just to test), then click the login button
3, click on account the reveal the account page.
4, click on moon to rotate theme.
5, click on flag to reveal the language panel.
6, click on the 'pencil on paper' to reveal the 'dispaly settings'.
7, try the Mobile hamburger menu.

I still have a few issues to sort out with the navigation and layout. These will be resolved soon.
The next update will be in 2 weeks. I hope to finish the Home-Page Grid system by then.